Monday, March 26, 2007

Peanut Butter and Salmonella Sandwich???

As an avid eater of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, I was completely bummed to learn that my favorite type of peanut butter was a hazard to my health.

In February of 2007, Peter Pan Peanut Butter and Great Value Peanut Butter was recalled for Salmonella Tennessee contamination.

According to the Food and Drug Association's website, 290 people in 39 states were affected by the bacterium.

Even though the FDA initiated the recall, ConAgra foods agreed, which from a PR standpoint, I think that was a smart move. Like the Tylenol recall in the late 80's, I think it is important to remove all of the product that could cause potential illness in order to reduce the company's liability and to the reduce the risk of illness to the customers.

I, like many others, had contaminated peanut butter and found the process to return the food was simple, and I got all of my money back. ConAgra and retail stores that sell the peanut butter made the process as painless as possible.

Overall, I think what was a nasty situation was handled promptly and effectively.

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