Monday, March 26, 2007

Rat Poison: It's What's For Dinner???

The love of my life is a nine-year-old chocolate lab named Cole. The thought of something happening to him is terrifying, which is one of the reasons the outbreak of rat poison in pet food horrified me.

Even though the poison is blamed for the deaths of 15 cats and one dog, scientists still do not know how the poison contaminated the food.

According to an article by the Associated Press, the company that produces the animal food extended the recall to 95 types of "cuts and gravy" food and also said they would compensate pet owners for the medical expenses the pet food may cause.

As a soon-to-be PR practitioner, I think the company responsible for producing the pet food is being smart in how they handle the situation. Recalling the questionable product is a must, and the fact that the company is assuming financial responsibility for medical costs is smart, too. Although the company can't erase what happened to their customer's pets, they're doing what they can to make the situation right.

If I were working for this company in their PR department, I would recommend that the CEO send a personalized sympathy card/letter to the customer's who have lost pets due to the rat poison.

As a PR major, I recognize that the company is doing all that they can to make such a horrible situation manageable; but, as a pet owner, I don't know that I could forget that dog died unnecessarily because of poison in his food.

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