Thursday, April 19, 2007

Relay For Life is T-Minus 8 Days and Counting...

So Relay For Life is almost one week away! I'm so excited, but there is so much to be done before then.

This Saturday, UGA softball and Relay is co-sponsoring a Homerun Derby, which will serve as a fundraiser. UGA athletes, including some football and basketball players, will actually participate in the three-round derby. Spectators will be able to pledge amounts per home run per athlete or make a general donation.

So while I'm organizing and promoting this event, I have to promote the actual Relay event, which is next Friday, April 27. There is so much to do, but fortunately, I can devote myself to Relay for the next couple of days since my classes have calmed down a little bit.

I'm very excited to see Relay unfold...hopefully we will still be the NUMBER ONE College Relay this year, too. It will be our 8th year in a row if so!!!

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